Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Who has time to cook?

When I worked in my corporate sales job I was so tired when I got home from work I always looked for a quick way to put dinner on the table.    The crockpot became my best friend!   I knew today was going to be a busy day with calls, meetings, etc so I threw this together!

Add to crockpot,   any chopped vegetables you have in the house!  I had kale, brussel sprouts, celery, carrots, peppers, onions and garlic.  Add 1/2 cup vegetable stock.  Place whole organic chicken on top. Sprinkle the chicken with sea salt, peppercorn and poultry seasoning.   Set crockpot to low and cook while you are gone.  Mine cooked from 8 am until 5 pm.

Come home from your busy day and voila your dinner is ready!   I served a bowl of butternut squash soup to make it a complete meal!   The soup I had prepared yesterday :)  

Now what to do with the left overs!    I deboned the chicken and shredded the leftover chicken, stirred it back into the left over veggies and chicken stock.  I have leftover brown rice so will add it to the crockpot!  Now we have dinner or lunch for the next day!!! 

Life is busy!  Trying to figure out dinner doesn't have to be!

                                     Enjoy!!  Love LeeAnne

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