Thursday, September 12, 2013

Getting Ready for Reach the Beach NH 2013

Happy Thursday afternoon everyone!

Well tomorrow I will be officially running in NH's 15th Reach the Beach where my team of 11 and I will be running from Cannon Mountain to Hampton Beach!  Yes you heard that correctly!  205.1 Miles over 2 days!  

I was asked to be part of the team by my friends George and Kendra.  Mind you when they asked me 8 weeks ago I hadn't really run any type of long distances in over 4 years!  My normal workout was hitting the weights hard and doing HIIT sessions as my cardio.   So this was definitely going to be a challenge!   

Well 8 weeks later I am prepared!   I will be covering 3 legs throughout the 2 days totaling 14.2 miles so not so bad :)   There will be 2 vans with 6 people to a van.  It going to be a little stinky in there after a while!  So I am making sure I have Fabreeze and ziplock bags for the smelly clothes LOL 

Also not sure how the sleeping happens all I know is George says to bring your sleeping bag.  Um Hello have we met?  My type of a sleeping bag when traveling is usually a 4+ star hotel :/  but I guess I can suck it up and figure it all out LOL   I also packed everything I could think of because you never know what the weather is going to bring!  Lets hope all this rain we have today is gone by tomorrow!  

I will keep you posted with pictures and videos as the weekend progresses!   One thing I have learned in life is to give things a try before you say NO way!  How else can you grow if you don't right??

Well as always I hope you all are having an amazing day!

Love LeeAnne 

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