Thursday, January 2, 2014

Balance is a waste of Time

“Work-life balance was a mistake from the start. Because we don't really want balance. We want satisfaction.”
—Matthew Kelly, author

Balance is a sticky subject among many people. We have careers, partners, children, family commitments, charity work, classes, hobbies, worship time—plus, big desires to improve our health. How can one possibly balance so many things?

I’m going to let you in on a little secret here: You can’t.

Balance. Is It A Myth?

“Harmony” is an easier goal than balance.

Harmony means everything is co-existing in a spirit of cooperation. But whatever you want to call it —harmony, balance, or “fitting it all in”— there is a secret to doing more of what you want and less of what you don’t want.

Want to hear it?

I just need to warn you that although the equation sounds simple, it actually takes massive willpower to execute. It also requires that you get absolutely clear on what you want your life to look like, and what you do not want in your life.

Ready? Okay, here’s the secret:
* First ask yourself what isn’t serving you. What doesn’t need to be in your life? What is dragging you down? Keeping you awake at night?
* Have you identified a few things? Now get rid of them. (Or fix them. Now.)
* Next, ask yourself what you want in your life—or in this week or day? What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to do? Who do you want to be with? Focus your energy on these things. Anything that doesn’t fit into this larger scheme… let it go (or learn how to say “no”).

Ready to dive in and make a few changes? Give these tips a try and see how much more harmonious your life can be. No balance required.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Exactly How Full is your Glass

Picture a big glass goblet filled to the halfway mark with water. How do you see it—half-full or half-empty?

Consistently finding the glass half-empty—and the world as a difficult place— is a hallmark of negativity.

Research has found that a negative outlook can contribute to everything from depression to heart disease to lowered immune system function. It can affect sleep, weight maintenance, the quality of your relationships, your social life, and even your ability to hold a job.

Now imagine what it would feel like to approach life from a place of positivity, fun, connection, health, and possibility. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

6 Simple Tips to Make a Positive Switch

To help wipe out negativity, try one or more of the following action steps:
* Go complaint-free. Try going an hour without complaining and see the positive things in your life. Next, try a day, a week, and so on.
* Keep a gratitude journal. Each evening, list 10 or more things that you are grateful for.
* Give compliments freely. Notice the good in others. Praise every person you interact with.
* Find beauty everywhere in your world. Notice its gorgeousness.
* Share your good news. Studies show that sharing happy events brings even more happiness.
* Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.

Maintaining a positive outlook takes practice, and the more you do it, the easier it gets. The payoff—a happier, healthier life—is absolutely worth the effort.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Time to Journal

There’s a time every morning when we are half awake, half asleep and not quite fully conscious. At those moments, we have access to our unconscious mind and our inner workings. But like dew on the morning grass, it will soon be gone without a trace. Listening to these tender morning wisps allows us to reach into our inner world, the deeper part of ourselves that helps guide us on our path of transformation.

Early morning pages are a stream of consciousness written in a journal first thing in the morning. Keep your journal by your bed and reach for it while you are still half asleep.

Begin by writing down any memories you may have of your dreams. At first there may be nothing, or simply minor recollections, but as you do this over and over you will build the muscle. You’ll send a powerful message to your brain: I am prepared to accept my unconscious thoughts and feelings, and I accept that more and more will be revealed. You will develop a deep, direct relationship with your inner self.

Next, write 10 things you are grateful for from yesterday. Usually our minds focus on everything that’s not going well, skipping over the fact that we live in a peaceful, democratic country. Your mind easily forgets that you have great friends, a place to live, plenty of food to eat, access to education, a job and freedom. Take time for thanksgiving and appreciating what went well yesterday.

Next comes the stream of consciousness writing. Write for at least a page, maybe two. Write whatever crosses your mind. Nothing is too petty, too bad or too silly to write down. Nobody will be reading this, so write it all. No censoring. You will be amazed at what comes out of your sweet, innocent mind. Write quickly or write slowly. Find a pace that works for you.

All the angry, ugly stuff that you write in the morning would otherwise stand in the way of you being your best you. By doing early morning pages, you get all those repressed thoughts out of your system so you can live your life and realize that you are not your mind and you are not your thoughts. You are a spiritual being in a material world, moving forward toward the life you deserve, which is the life you truly came here to live.

Watch your breath. Watch your mind. It’s like a meditation. Be still and just let it all pass from your mind onto the paper.

Inspired by The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

How do you spend your Sunday?

Happy Sunday Everyone!!

How do you spend your Sunday?

Typically for me Sunday is the day I spend organizing myself for the coming week.  Here is a list of what I usually do:
  1. Usually I will do a cardio session on Sundays, most times if its nice out I will head out for a run. 
  2. Grocery Shop - I try and get John and/or Bobby to come with me (Quality time right?? LOL)
  3. Cook a few different Starches (baked sweet potatoes, brown rice, Quinoa), Also cook up some   proteins (baked chicken, Turkey meatballs, burgers or ground sausage, boiled eggs, buffalo burgers), I'll make a soup or 2, I also chop all my vegetables and put them in mason jars in the fridge so that they are always ready and I don't have to take the time to think about what to grab.
  4. Make sure my calendar is up to date with all of my conference calls, meetings and to dos for my business's. Also schedule in my workouts so that I cannot miss them!  I know things sometimes come up but knowing that if I have a calendar to work from allows me to see the pockets in my day that I might have open!
  5. Spend the rest of the day with John and also the kids if they are around.   
What do you do on Sundays??

Friday, September 27, 2013

Potato Leak Soup!

Potato Leak Soup!

What you will need:

2 Medium Leaks, chopped 
2 garlic cloves chopped
5 Yukon Potatoes
Sea Salt, Pepper
4 Cups low sodium organic Chicken Stock

In a large pot add olive oil, leaks and garlic to soften, then add chicken stock and potatoes, parsley, salt and pepper.  Bring to boil, then reduce to med. heat until potatoes are cook. Pour into your blender and blend until smooth!  If you like a little chunkier soup then blend a little less :) 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Who has time to cook?

When I worked in my corporate sales job I was so tired when I got home from work I always looked for a quick way to put dinner on the table.    The crockpot became my best friend!   I knew today was going to be a busy day with calls, meetings, etc so I threw this together!

Add to crockpot,   any chopped vegetables you have in the house!  I had kale, brussel sprouts, celery, carrots, peppers, onions and garlic.  Add 1/2 cup vegetable stock.  Place whole organic chicken on top. Sprinkle the chicken with sea salt, peppercorn and poultry seasoning.   Set crockpot to low and cook while you are gone.  Mine cooked from 8 am until 5 pm.

Come home from your busy day and voila your dinner is ready!   I served a bowl of butternut squash soup to make it a complete meal!   The soup I had prepared yesterday :)  

Now what to do with the left overs!    I deboned the chicken and shredded the leftover chicken, stirred it back into the left over veggies and chicken stock.  I have leftover brown rice so will add it to the crockpot!  Now we have dinner or lunch for the next day!!! 

Life is busy!  Trying to figure out dinner doesn't have to be!

                                     Enjoy!!  Love LeeAnne