Sunday, October 6, 2013

How do you spend your Sunday?

Happy Sunday Everyone!!

How do you spend your Sunday?

Typically for me Sunday is the day I spend organizing myself for the coming week.  Here is a list of what I usually do:
  1. Usually I will do a cardio session on Sundays, most times if its nice out I will head out for a run. 
  2. Grocery Shop - I try and get John and/or Bobby to come with me (Quality time right?? LOL)
  3. Cook a few different Starches (baked sweet potatoes, brown rice, Quinoa), Also cook up some   proteins (baked chicken, Turkey meatballs, burgers or ground sausage, boiled eggs, buffalo burgers), I'll make a soup or 2, I also chop all my vegetables and put them in mason jars in the fridge so that they are always ready and I don't have to take the time to think about what to grab.
  4. Make sure my calendar is up to date with all of my conference calls, meetings and to dos for my business's. Also schedule in my workouts so that I cannot miss them!  I know things sometimes come up but knowing that if I have a calendar to work from allows me to see the pockets in my day that I might have open!
  5. Spend the rest of the day with John and also the kids if they are around.   
What do you do on Sundays??

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