Friday, August 30, 2013

Coming Clean

Well here I sit on August 30th, 2013.   This past year has been a world wind and I have grown a ton as a person!

The only thing that had been bothering me had been the weight gain I have had over the last year.   I just couldn't understand it.  I ate clean, I worked out 5-6 days a week.  I thought my workouts must have been amazing because I was always exhausted when I was done.  I had my treats (which were a couple of glasses wine a couple nights a week)  Nothing really out of the ordinary to account for this gain.   Then all of a sudden in the middle of the night I would wake up with my hands asleep and pains running down my arm.    It started to happen more and more, until finally I said "OK something isn't right!"

I truly believe in living a holistic organic life as much as possible in this world,  so I have a Natural Path Dr. instead of an MD.    She ran some blood work, for the most part my blood work was perfect!  Some of it better than perfect!   The only issue with with my kidney it was slightly off but not too much to be concerned with.  So what the heck was it, we decided to have me checked for food allergies.  Low and behold we found out that I am allergic to some healthy foods!   Casein, Flax seed, SPINACH, tea, coffee, White grapes (SO HAPPY NOT THE RED ONES LOL), Salmon, Grapefruit, Chickpeas, Halibut, and slight wheat gluten.  

I am happy to say that in 1 week of taking all of that out of my routine, I have lost 5 pounds, and better yet!   My hands aren't numb anymore!!   The pain in my arms isn't there any more!   I can actually breath when I run or workout I am not as winded as I used to be and don't need a nap after!

Sometimes you can't explain what is going on inside of your body.  It can really play a game with you if you are not careful.  Food Allergies are real!  Especially in a day and age where most of our food is processed.

Eating clean is so important,  eating organic is even BETTER!   Listen to your body ALWAYS!   It will tell you if something is not right!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Jessica's Summer Personal Health mission!

SO SO proud of my baby girl Jessica! She came home with a mission to get her health back. With workouts, clean eating and the Isagenix protocol she released 20 pounds! Oh and talk about health! LOOK how healthy her hair is now!!! WAY TO GO BABY!!!!!!

She will be going back to college this week with a whole new look on how to maintain health while living at school! ‪#‎thankyouisagenix‬

Thursday, August 1, 2013

There is something more!!

Every morning I drink my coffee out of my Winnie the Pooh mug. Why??   Well for 1, my daughter gave it to me years ago   and 2, Winnie really was a smart bear.